Saturday, April 3, 2010

FingerStyle Solos - Twinkle Twinkle

I received the FingerStyle Solos for ukulele by Mark Kailana Nelson today. I started working through it, landing on my first fingerstyle song: Twinkle Twinle Little Star. The songs progress in difficulty as you work through it. Here's my first shot at playing Twinkle Twinkle.

It takes forever to upload videos on this blog I tried to do so on Youtube which doesn't cut time but does improve in success rate. So this 1 minute song took about 1 hour to upload. Anyways, I also got another book, the Fretboard Roadmap - which is a lot harder because it requires that you memorize formations. But I guess once you do, you can play all over the fretboard seamlessly without thinking about the right flats or sharps in your chord.


  1. Congratulations on mastering "Twinkle, Twinkle"! My fingers sometimes get so lost on the fretboard, even with the Fretboard Roadmaps book, that I'm hoping that someone will develop an iPhone app that gives my fingers GPS access. Imagine finding an F# by satellite.....

  2. GPS for the guitar - very creative although i just can't see that happening.
